In the fall of 2020, I was introduced to Terra Mica, a non-profit working with small-plot coffee farmers in the highlands of Honduras. This introduction took place at a Barnabas Group breakfast, where we have the opportunity to meet many incredible organizations working throughout the world. I'm not sure if it was the connection to coffee (I'm a huge fan of the stuff), or the process by which they aim to alleviate poverty and help initiate sustainable change, but I knew that morning that I had to learn more and get involved. A few months later, I found myself on a trip to Honduras with a group of women to see their work in person. We spent time in Lenca communities, better understanding their model for education and sustainable community development.

This week I had the pleasure of reconnecting with Terra Mica by attending “Coffee for a Cause” in the San Diego area. Again I was reminded of how their unique approach to holistic care is built upon relationships and the understanding that people living in impoverished conditions have all the God-given skills and assets they need, but lack opportunities and hope. I love the way Terra Mica comes alongside these coffee farmers and their families with a model for strengthening themselves, their families, and their communities. In fact, their curriculum is called My Healthy Home.

Did you know that most of the coffee we drink is cultivated by hand and the farmer who grew it lives on just $1.25 per day? Generational poverty and oppressors that profit on their hard work continue to keep them down. But organizations like Terra Mica are changing that.

If you'd like to learn more about Terra Mica and their approach to poverty alleviation, I invite you to take a look at this video. Terra Mica plans to offer more vision trips to Honduras in the future and are currently in the process of expanding into additional countries. So subscribe to their email list at this link and prayerfully watch them grow!
Written by Dianne Sivulka, founder of Travel on Purpose