Five Ways to Get Involved
With a Do-good Organization
When You Can't Travel

If hopping on an airplane and visiting the work of a do-good organization isn't an option for you at the moment, but you have the desire to connect, here are some ideas to get you going.
Get to Know Their Mission
Thanks to the internet, it's easy to get to know about an organization by browsing through their website. You can meet the founders in a video, read annual reports, see photos and read accounts of lives being changed through their efforts. Take the time to peruse all their online content. They put it there with the hopes that someone like you will take the time to do just that. Also, subscribe to their newsletter for the latest information and follow them on social media.
Let Them Know You've Taken an Interest
An excellent next step is to reach out to them personally through email and let them know you've taken an interest in their work. Ask questions, let them know why you care about their work, tell them what it is they do that you find most life-changing and inspiring. Perhaps the most critical question you can ask is how you can be praying for them and the work they do.
Share What You Learn With Others
Organizations doing good in the world face many challenges, and one of them is getting their story out to a broader audience. If you're inspired by what you learn, tell someone. Every organization needs ambassadors, people who will come alongside their work and be champions.
Invest your Time, Talent & Treasure
Whether the do-good organization is an ethical fashion brand or a non-profit serving marginalized communities, they would love to have your support. Do they have a need for volunteer work? Are you an expert in some area that you can offer your services? Can you commit to sharing their work through your social media platform? Consider making an online purchase to support their efforts. Shopping fair-trade benefits both the artisan and the community they call home. If you're considering making a financial donation to a non-profit you've become engaged with, remember that any financial contribution is greatly appreciated. You might want to contribute toward a specific need or project. You may want to become a monthly donor. Even donating $25 per month (equivalent to eating out one time) significantly impacts the organization over time.
Sponsor a Child
Some of the do-good organizations Travel on Purpose stands behind has a child sponsorship program. This means that you get paired with a child with whom you can correspond through letters, pray for and send a small monthly fee for. Kibaale, Back2Back, Kids Alive, and Hope International are some of these. This is a wonderful way to not only make a difference in the life of a child, but also get connected to a community you care about.

So if traveling isn't an option for you at the moment, but you're looking for ways to get involved in good work being done around the globe, consider one or all of these ideas. Your efforts and care will go a long way to provide help and encouragement.